Dec 16, 2007

My Recent Activities

My recent activities...

Went to work seeing the sunrise...
Had udon in Roppongi (huge size!!) at 12 am during weekday...

And gave myself a present to become beautiful!
Isn't it nice?


Anonymous said...

I've always thought that winter sunrise was the most beautifull...

As for the Nail accessories, Reiko seems to like them too, but I find it hard -as a man- to comment. the important is that you keep your self happy buying small little presents that boost both your image and your self comfidence (hum I should do that too..).

Leaving Singapore for home tomorrow to go back home for Xmas. 3 pieces of luggage, 1.5 are full of presents and omiyage -____- .. and I am pretty sure they will be full of Omiyage on the way back **sigh**..

Anyways, we'll enjoy Xmas in the countryside! Have fun in the coming 2 weeks!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!