Apr 24, 2006

Time flies...









Sorry to those of you who can't read JP. But I'll write a little bit about it.

One sad thing happend to me this week; my teacher died. I've known him for more than 10 years. He was my teacher when I was in junior high and since then, he taught me so many things, not just studies but also about life and advised me when I had problems.

He's not the best teacher cause he smokes a lot, drink a lot, not nice, do what he wants....but he was a great great person. He had the character that attracts people and he influenced many people including me. So even though he's like that, there were always people around him.

I think he passed away happily. Many many people came to say goodbye to him. I think you can tell how much that person was loved from the number of people who came to the funeral. First, I didn't realize that he's dead because I didn't see him often recently but when I lookedk at his face, tears started to fall. When I thought I'll never hear him yelling at me or I can't ask his advice anymore, tears came out. I regretted so much that I should've seen him more often and talked to him more.

Then one person who I used to teach years ago came next to me and said, "you should see your grand parents as much as you can. Not for your grand parents but for yourself. You should see them for yourself, so that you won't regret." He's right.

So today, I went to see my grand parents! My grandma has problem with her legs so not very well so I'm worried about her...:( I like my grand parents so much that I don't know what I'm gonna do if they are gone... don't wanna think about it. I'm gonna go and see them as much as I can from now on.

Anyway, sorry it's a little sad story. I just wanna say that you should see your grandma, grandpa when they're healthy and spend time with them as much as you can! And also your parents. If you can't meet them, call them and talk to them. Time flies so fast, you know...

Apr 15, 2006

Great great people I met in Spain

Dear friends I met in Spain,

Thank you so so much for making my trip wonderful! I had a great great time with awesome people!
For those of you who were on the tour, I really enjoyed travelling with you all. It was my first time travelling alone so I was a bit nervous but everyone was friendly and fun to hang out. I'm so happy to meet you cool people! I miss those days we went party-ing and we all felt sick the next
day from drinking too much. Many people (including me) said we're not gonna drink that much but we kept drinking the next day... haha, that was fun. Thanks to our wonderful tour guide and bus driver, we saw many cities and experienced many things. My favorite city was Seville and Lisbon. I also enjoyed the Fado dinner. Which was your favorite??
Anyway, we are all spread out in different countries but that means we have friends all over the world! How cool is that?
Hope to see you guys somewhere again in the future!

Till then, Adios amigos!!!

for more pics, see

Apr 9, 2006

お花見☆ Hanami!!


This weekend I went to Hanami with my company's co-workers and other staff. There were about 100 people total. Hanami is Japanese traditional way of enjoying cherry blossoms. We go to a park to see cherry blossoms and usually eat & drink under the tree. There are many food booth around too. The main purpose is to enjoy the beautiful flowers but most are there to have fun drinking with their friends, haha. I am very glad to be Japanese when I enjoy cherry blossoms from bottom of my heart. Of course, any people from all over the world will enjoy the beauty of flowers but I think Japanese feelings towards cherry blossoms are different. Not only the beauty of how it looks but we also enjoy the process of the daily change. From the bloom till when it falls. I love the part that when petals falls like snowflakes because of the wind. and I also like when it is about to bloom. Not the full bloom. I can feel that tiny cute buds are trying hard to bloom. It reminds me that spring is coming and our new year is starting. (in Japan, school starts in April) It makes me happy and exciting.
Those of you who are planning to come to Japan someday, you should come in April!!! It's the best season!!

First week at my new job!

Yes!! so my first week at my new job finished. I was kinda nervous at the Ceremony cause it was my first day. It was mainly a speech from our CEO and few other executives. I was looking at the CEO thinking "oh, he's the one who's always in business magazines or newspapers". My first 2 weeks are basic training. Mostly lectures about the company's goal, plan, strategy, history, accounting, environment, and many other group work. I'm in training and not really "work" so still don't get the image working in this company but so far, I thought it really is Japanese company. What I mean is that it is very traditional Japanese company, Japanese organization. Those of you who know what Japanese management system is like, it really is like that. Harmony, goupism, organization, corporate family, royalty... I'm not gonna tell you what we did in details but very very different from America. strange... My company is one of the big company in Japan so I knew it would be very Japanese, but I was shocked. I don't know if I can fit in this system but certainly it's interesting and there are a lot to learn.
I will know which department I will be placed at next week! So nervous....

就職第一週目が終わった。新しいことだらけの一週間だったなぁ。とりあえず、入社式はドキドキだった。300人以上の新入社員。初めて会う同期もがほとんどだし、社長も始めて見た。あれがいつも雑誌や新聞に出てる人か~と思いながら見てた(笑 最初の2週間は新入社員研修。会社の経営方針や経営理念、目標、歴史とその他の基本的なビジネスひ必要な知識についてやった。まだ本当に働いてるわけじゃないから、仕事してる感覚がないけど、とりあえず感じたことは、私は本当に日本の会社に入ったんだなぁって思った。とても日本的な大企業に。同じ日本でも外資とは全然違うだろう。詳しいことは言わないが、研修を受けてとても驚いた。日本的とは知っていたが、実際に身をもって感じるとちょっと正直ちょっと怖かった。私は小さい頃外国で育ったから、外国的な考えも多く、だからかもしれないけど。う~ん、私がこの日本的組織にはまるかどうかはわからないが、日本的組織・会社を知ることは私の将来にとてもプラスになると思う。せっかくのチャンス、いろんなことを見て、体験して、勉強して吸収しよう。

Apr 1, 2006


This is the capital of Spain! Yes, it was big but not as big as I thought. It has lots of shoppings, bars, clubs. The picture left is the Plaza Mayor. It is similar to the one in Venece except there's no pigeons. That's good. Surrounded by many nice bars and restaurants but seemed like it was only for tourists.

Royal Palace

Reina Sofia National Art Museum

Prado Museum; it is one of the biggest muesums in Europe. I was here for about 5 hours! It was very tiring but I enjoyed it. Many works of El Greco, Velazques and Goya.


Salamanca is a city of University. It has the country's best Univ. for learning Spanish. I liked here a lot. Nice to just chill, walk around and see the city. I went into this one church which it had old & new catedral together. The old part of the catedral (built in 12 centries) was so beautiful. It was there just as it was. I've been to many catedrals but this is one of my top 3.

The night light was very beautiful!