May 26, 2006


性善説:the view that humans are born inherently good



There is a theory that humans are born inherently good. This theory was said by Chinese philosopher called 孟子(Moushi) back in the B.C. 3c. I basically agree with this opinion. There are no humans who are bad from bottom of their heart. Even a murderer loves his family and probably will do anything for them. Mental disorders must have had some kind of outer influence to be in that situation. Murderer must have a reason or cause to murder. No one will kill someone without reasons. what if your beloved child was killed?

Anyway, the reason I wrote this is because someone said to me "you trust peole very easily don't you? don't believe people so easily", and that was from someone I don't really know. How many times have I heard this from somebody else... On my graduation day back in high school, one of my friend's last message was "You trust people too easily and will be betrayed in the future. Please don't trust people and be careful. " and still I'm often said the same thing. I don't know why but I tend to think that if a person was nice and friendly, I would think "oh, s/he's nice!" and my friends will be like"how can you say that? of course people will be nice to strangers. You never know what that person is like from the outside." Yes, exactly. I have one friend who has the opposite theory; humans are born inherently bad. He thinks people are basically enemies so when he meets people, he begin from suspecting that person. If you trust the person and get betrayed you'll get hurt but if you haven't and same thing happend, you won't get hurt. You'll just think "oh, s/he was a bad person as I expected", he says. True, when the person who thought were nice wasn't a nice, I get terribly shocked. This happend a few times in the past... My point is I was shocked that some random person guessed this which made me think again... Is this really bad? I used to think this is my bad and also good point. I agree that I need to be more careful but good things will happen sometimes if your trust people. A lot of people are very cold these days (especially I feel this in Japan) but there are warm-hearted people out there. But now I'm a bit scared... I'll have more chance to meet people from now on and I don't know how much can I trust others. I don't know if I were able to explain what I wanted to say. Hope you could understand though.

so, what do you guys think? I would like to hear your opinions plz!


California Kayaker Magazine said...

I think a lot of it goes with whether you have a positive or negative outlook on life. Those with a positive outlook are willing to trust easily. Those with negative outlooks will not trust so as to prevent themselves from getting hurt.

And both sides are right - if you do trust easily, you are more likely to get hurt. But if you don't trust, you are less likely to get any benefits from trusting others.

So I guess choosing some level in the middle - trust relatively easily, but do reserve some skepticism to protect yourself from the worst - is probably the way to go.

Anonymous said...

I love you the way you are, hun. Just be carful, sometimes people are not as nice as you think sadly enough. At the same time, if you can't trust anybody, s/he is not going to trust you either. So just watch your back k? I don't want you to get hurt because of some jerks, you know? People sometimes could be selfish and evil behind your back.

Anyhow, your blog reminded me of "koten" class we used to take in high school and philosophy class I took when I first came to the states. I'm 100% on your side. Nobody is born to be bad but good. People are capable of changing their circumstances and directing their own lives. They can do this by observing the world, judging objects and events by their causes, their function, and their historical basis. So whether s/he wants to be good or bad, it all depends on self once we start walking on our own feet. Mozi said, "actions should be measured by the way they contribute to the greatest good of the greatest number." I think you have the same kind of philosophy deep in your mind...that's why you trust people.

Gosh I wish we can talk in person, about Business, life and stuff in a deeper level. Getting old is good right? We are more matured in every other way. See, we are having a conversation we never had in younger days. I mean Woot Hoot! being 23 is great;p

Well, I have to finish up this spread sheet and make a portfolio for a client, and risk management on the weekend night huh? Michael is back home for his sister's high school graduation. I'm enjoying the night all by myself for the first time in a while hehe.

I love reading your blog girl=)
luv ya, Aki

☆Mayu☆  said...

choosing in the middle is the best way but things doesn't go that well, unfortunately. sometimes you learn from mistakes and grow up. I appreciate for sharing your opinion!

hey girl!! so glad to hear from you. yeah, i wish we could talk in person too. you must have many thoughts and feelings from living in the states by your self(well, not anymore but..) I can tell that you're learning a lot there. Getting old IS great. some people say they don't wanna get old but year after year, my life is getting wonderful! you can only live once, you gotta make the most of it☆

feridun said...

Mayu you should be how you are.

My thinking is that everybody is good until I see something bad about the person. I can tell you this is correct way.

Sure there is lots of people who are not "good" however most people are good.

There is a famous philosopher who said:
"Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, idolater, worshipper of fire,
Come even though you have broken your vows a thousand times,
Come, and come yet again.
Ours is not a caravan of despair"

The basic idea is trust and not prejudice.

Anonymous said...

Mayu, what we need in this world are more people like you. I don't really know what are the appropriate things to say, but I know that there is no fault in believing that someone is a good person. I think trusting and believing that people are generally good is beneficial to the soul because you will be happier than those who keep suspecting and harboring negative thoughts.

But trusting or not trusting are hard to justify with only a few paragraphs because there are two sides to everything.

So don't trust easily, but wisely. And don't mistrust easily, but reasonably. Love you mayu!

☆Mayu☆  said...

i really didnt understand Mevlana's word... but trust and not prejudice, right? yeah, nice words.

I love that phrase, "don't trust easily but wisely, don't mistrust easily but reasonably" I'll keep that in mind.
love you too!!

no comment from Japanese??

Anonymous said...

I like your way. If you don't trust a person, you can not build a good relationship with the person. Various meetings make our life happy.

But, I think it often happens that what one says and what one means are different in business. So, plz be careful.

Whatever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity to grow yourself!!