Aug 31, 2007

Japanese Society

Again, I've been thinking a lot about Japanese society, Japanese Company since I'm looking for a job right now.

My girl friend who works in one of the biggest and intelligent company in Japan, work a lot. Too much. It's okay if she's enjoying it or getting paid well. But the thing is, even though she works till 10 pm, she doesn't get over paid. (usual working hour is until 6 pm) It's not because her boss says you cannot do that. It's because the whole atmosphere, the company culture makes her not declaring over time. Another friend of mine (same age) who works in Panasonic got ill because... I think too much working. Make you work a lot, stress, pressure etc... If you get paid very well, maybe MAYBE you can survive but if no, you know what happens.

1 comment:

yUSiyE said...

I don't know if this is relevant.
I read "Goodbye Madame Butterfly" recently, very fascinate read. But somehow I feel it's being too cynical toward Japanese society. If you have time, def. recommend this book.