Oct 29, 2006

Luna Parpados 3rd Year Anniversary Party~!

先週、“Luna Parpados”という苦楽園(兵庫県西宮市)のスペインバールの3周年記念Partyに行ってきた!知り合いが招待してくれて、初めていったんだけど、超よかった☆本場スペインのようにカウンターにビッシリTapasが並んでおり、この日はワインも飲み放題で、おいしかった♪店内そんなに広くないのに、人がいっぱいで、このお店の人気っぷりが伝わってきました。 スペインバールはやっぱいぃ!気軽に食べれるし、おいしいし、(やっぱイベリコハムとワインでしょう)気軽に人と話せるし。最近あんまり人との出会いがなかったけど、この日はいろんな人がいて、楽しかった♪外国のバーで好きなのは、いろんな人と気軽に話せるところ。みんなfriendlyだし、すぐに知り合いになれる。私は特に人との出会いを大切にするので、こういう雰囲気は大好き☆ 6時半くらいから店に入って、帰ったのが1時半くらい・・・。ずっとワイン飲んでました。おかげで次のは月曜で仕事だったのですが、二日酔い。。朝起きて、やばいのは感じていたのだが、とりあえず支度して出勤。案の定、電車で酔って、途中下車。30分くらい駅のホームで休憩し、よしっと思って再び電車に乗ったのだがやはりダメで、大阪駅寸前で二度目の下車。通常より1時間以上時間がかかってようやく会社に着きました。あぁ~飲みすぎた。仕事がある前の日に調子のって飲んではいけませんね。でも本当に楽しかったから、たまには良いでしょう♪ 会社も遅れたし、ペナルティあるのかと思いきや、上司がやさしく目をつぶってくれました。さすが!持つべきものは良い上司ですね。(もちろん二日酔いで電車に酔ったというのは内緒です) Posted by Picasa

My friend invited me to this restaurant's 3rd Anniversary Party last week. It was my first visit here, and I really loved it! Good food, many people, nice atmosphere etc... It had many tapas like the real Spanish Bar, and this day was free wine so I drank a lot. I mean A LOT. I went in around 6:30 pm and I went home around 1:30 am. I was drinking wine all day. I really like foreign type of bar cause everyone is friendly and you get to meet people a lot. I havent't gone out recently so I really enjoyed it. There were many interesting people from different fields. As you can imangine, I was hung over the next day..... and i had work. I didn't feel good but i got ready the next morning off to work. Then, I got so sick that I was gonna through up in the train, I got off and took a rest on the platform for about half an hour till I feel better. After a while, I went on a train again to go to work but again, I got sick.... I mean, hung over...:( so I got out the second time, rest for a while and went to work finally. Oh man, I felt so bad the whole day. You shouldn't get drunk the day before work. Since I was late for work, I thought i would get penaly or something but my boss said I don't have to worry about anything. I just had to correct the time sheet, pretend like I was never late. What you need is a good boss, right? (of course it's a secret that I was sick because of hung over.)

Restaurant: "Luna Parpados"


Anonymous said...


☆Mayu☆  said...


Anonymous said...

Hello, I am spanish and today i have been in Luna Parpados. The taste is a real spanish and the people there are very nice. I like a lot the restaurant.
Congratulations for this blog. It is very interesting.