Jun 25, 2006

梅雨(tsuyu)- the rainy season

Here comes this season again. In Japan, June is the rainy season which is called tsuyu in jp. Most people don't like it cause it rains all the time which makes them depressing. yeah, that's true but I kinda like it personally. Don't know why but I don't mind the rain. Plus, during this season, we see this flower called ajisai everywhere. cute, huh? I don't remember if I saw this in the U.S. Is there?

One more thing about June. June has another name; June Bride. It is said that if you get married in June, you can be happy forever. Just a legend but why June? I don't wanna have a wedding on a rainy day, you know. is this June Bride thing only in Japan or all over the world??


California Kayaker Magazine said...

I think June is the most popular month for weddings in the States. I do not know why this is.

feridun said...
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feridun said...

I was last weekend in kamakura area.
There was really cool flowers which you show here..
here is photo from there:

It is from Kaikōzan Hase-dera (海光山長谷寺).

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

Here in Finland July is popular month to get married. Especially the day of Nightles night. I dunno why it is so popular :)