Nov 22, 2006

Today's work

Today I attended a seminar from my company about consumption taxes and stamp tax. Not really interesting topic but one thing I enjoyed was this view from the building! It was right in front of "Osaka Castle" ! Plus, the leaves were starting to get red so that made the scenery more beautiful. I think I've never been there before... that's a shame. I should go sometime.
When I was falling asleep during the speech, I just looked outside and enjoyed the view:)

Sorry that it's not a good quality. I took it with my cell camera so if I zoom it, it becomes like this. My cell is a bit old now. Needs to be changed soon.

And after the seminar, since I was with my senpai (I think this is only in Japanese language, no direct translation in English- which means elder people in a certain group or community. ex. high school, University, company etc.), we went for a dinner. A nice dinner:)

This is one of the place I've wanted to go.
It's called "Le Bistrot de Paris" パリのビストロ(@大阪西天満)
French cuisine and wine restaurant. We had wine and salad, we also ate wild boar (猪)! I assumed it would taste like pork (since it is a kind of a pig) but it was more like a lamb. I liked it but senpai said it tasted wild (?) and a little heavy. Inside was just like a restaurant in Paris, which reminded me of the days I visited Paris last year.

Bon Appetit!

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Sebastian(o)Mereu said...

Wow! That's a nice picture from Osakajou. I used to study in Osaka and I really enjoyed it. Now I am back in Switzerland and miss Japan a LOT! Nice blog by the way, and, have you finished "The World Is Flat" yet? I have another very good book tip for you, "The End Of Poverty" by Jeffrey Sachs. Very well written. Yoi ichi nichi wo! genki da ne . . . sebi

☆Mayu☆  said...

thanks for your comment!
I'm glad you liked Japan a lot.
no, I haven't read the book yet, but almost! "The End of Poverty" looks interesting too. manbe I'll read that next. Let me know if there's any other interesting books!

Anonymous said...

"The World is Flat" and "The End of Poverty" are great books. "The One Percent Doctrine" "The Elements of Moral Philogophy" "Das Kapital" "The Return of Depression Economics" "Are Men Necessary?" "Fog Facts" "Ecce Homo" are good too....I've been reading 3 books at the same time...I used to hate reading books but now I'm addicted haha=)

Oh Mayu Mayu Mayu my girl, I can't wait to see you in couple weeks!!!

☆Mayu☆  said...

thanks for the info!
I will buy few books that you recommended definately. Maybe "the end of poverty" and "Are Men Necessary?" to start with.
Will be waiting for you sweety!!! when will you be back??by yourself or with your guy?

Anonymous said...

Hmm this is the first blog i found, by a japanese, done both in nihonggo and eigo :) Nice photos by the way! seems like you are doing a lot. By the way, I am in Tsukuba right now, for my doctoral study. You may want to drop by my site too. Cheers and best regards!

Life Out East said...

Great, love your blog! Nice pics too. Haven't been to Japan yet but will soon, hopefully. Great food, interesting music and movies and wonderful people. Living in Thailand at the moment.

☆Mayu☆  said...

thank you guys!
I am very happy when someone I don't know stop by and leave a comment:)
please come and visit again! I will check out your blogs too;)