If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place. -Nora RobertsAbove is from my friend, Astri's blog which encouraged me recently.Believe in yourself.
今週初めて友達の結婚式へ行ってきました!親戚のは行ったことあるけど、友達は初めてだったから「もうそんな歳のなったんだなぁ~。」ってしみじみ思います。。すごく素晴らしい結婚式でした☆神戸の結構式場で、もう超ゴージャス&ラブリー☆その友達はディズニー好きなので、曲や映像とかDisneyで揃えてたり、演出もシンデレラ♪ 驚いたのは最後のデザートビュッフェ。すごい種類のケーキやデザートが並んでて、どれも超おいしそうだし、シェフはどんどんお皿にのせていくし。もうおなかが破裂しそうだった。あと、感動したのは最後に新婦が歌った歌。彼女はオペラをやってて、ジャズクラブとかで歌ってるほど上手やねんけど、一番好きな歌の歌詞を自作の母に向けた感謝の気持ちに替えて歌って・・思わず目が潤んでしまった。感動ました。ありがとう。結婚。私は早く結婚したいっていうよりは、この人と一生一緒にいたい!と思った人が出来たときに結婚したい。だから今すぐでもいいし、10年後でもいい。If there's the right person. 私だけの王子様が現れればね☆ でもその王子様が今、どこで何してるのかは気になる。もう出会ってるのかなぁとか。年頃の女の子なら誰もが気になるところよね?っていっても、やっぱ結婚式に出席すると、「いいなぁ、私も結婚したいなぁ」って気分になる。永遠の愛の誓いに華やかな衣装と披露宴。私そういうの大好きだから、早くしたくなっちゃう。チャペルや教会で真っ白のウエディングドレスもいいけど和装もいいかもと思った。それまでは絶対ドレスと思ってたけど、日本人だし英語で話す牧師さんにちょっと違和感を感じたから。日本人しかいないのに、何故に英語!?と思わずつっこんでしまったもん。でも牧師が日本人でも変だしね。う~ん。。まぁ実際結婚するときに考えたらいいか。でも華やかな衣装の裏には厳しい現実や問題があるのも事実。結婚式2日前に友達に会っていろいろ話聞いたけど、人生ってうまくいかないなぁとしみじみ。その日どんだけのろけられるのだろうと思ってたら、実際はいろいろ大変そうで。。家族やお金も絡んでくるしね。あと、もう一つ思ったのは、人生何が起こるか本当にわからないということ。結婚しないと思っていても、いつどこで出会って、いつ結婚するかわからないよ。その友達も超意外だったしね。うん、びっくり。とまぁいろんな感情がごちゃごちゃ渦巻いた一週間でした。でも結婚式は本当に本当に良かった!!Congratulations, Rie♪ お幸せにね♡
I went to my friend's wedding for the first time!!I've been to my family's wedding but never friend's. It was a beautiful beautiful wedding.It was held at a gorgeous wedding hall, Christian style. It's very popular to have a christian wedding in Japan. Yes, even though you're not christian. Priest, chapel, carol, white wedding dress... etc. My friend is a big fan of Disney so all the music and entertainment was Disney♪and at the end, the bride sang an Opera. She sings opera at jazz bar sometimes so she's very good but this time she made her song to her mom, putting her appreciation into her own words. wow, her song moved me into tears. It was just beautiful. Marrige.
A lot of women when they get into their late 20s, they feel in a rush. (I'm still 23, btw) Especially in Japan, I think. There's a famous ironic phrase for 25 yld women, I forgot though... :( Anyway, I don't care what age I get married. I want to get married when found a guy that I want to get married. If I felt I want to be with him forever, that's the time. So it can be right now or 10 years later. If there's my prince:) But I do wanna know where's my prince right now?? Have I already met? What's he like? I'm sure all the girls are wondering about this.But if you attend a wedding, it makes you feel you wanna get married, you know? vow for the eternal love, gorgeous wedding dress and party...etc. I love all those lovely, sweet things. I kinda felt "Japanese traditional style" wedding is good too. with white, gorgeous kimono and hakama for the groom, sake, shrine etc. I felt a little wired at the chapel cause priest was speaking English even we were all Japanese, singing and saying "amen" even though we're not Christian. Isn't this wired? But you know, we're Japanese. Japanese love fancy things. same for Christmas. Anyway, one thing I thought is that even people look very happy, you never know what's underneath that fancy dress. I met the bride 2 days before wedding. I was prepared to hear this all love-love story but...there was the reality. She had problems and was not 100% happy about the marrige. Life doen't go that well, I guess. One more thing I thought is that you never know when you meet your partner, when you get married. Anything can happen in your life! My friend was the example. I was so surprised of her marrige and of him too. He was totally different from her type. Ok, I wrote enough. well, I had many feeling going through my mind this week. But I just wanna say that it was a wonderful wedding!!Congratulations Rie and may you be happy forever!!!
Recently I've been thinking a lot about my future. Work, love, dream... Life. Probably because I'm not satisfied with my work. I went into the business world this year with lots of ambition. I really wanted to work, I had my dream. However, I was put into totally different position I wanted to be in. I was so shocked and upset when I knew the fact but I thought I should at least give it a try cause I might like it. So I was doing Accounting this past few month. My job is a great place to learn about how money works, see the company as a whole, and about Japanese organization. I think Accounting is very important in business world so I don't mind learning it. Actually, I'm appreciating for giving me a chance to study Accounting. Also, there are advantages (and of course disadvantages) working for big company. You have a secure life and salary, have long vacation 3 times a year (which is impossible if you work in Japan and I love that cause I love to travel) But, but....Anyway, what I want to say is, this is not what I want to do.I'm not sad but not happy either. I am not using my advantages at all. I know my strength and I want to make the most of it but what I'm doing right now, it doesn't have to be me. I think other people can do it better than me. I don't know why I was put in this position, what my company wants from me, but above all, company's convinience comes first in a big organization. So even I hope and wait till I can change position, there's no guarantee you can do what you want to do, and worse is that you might be transfered to countryside office where you never wanna go. Now I am willing to work hard but don't have the motivation to continue my current job... I talked to some people about this recently. Some say "mottainai", which means it's too good to quit this job. Maybe they're right but what's the meaning if you're not enjoying your life? I also talked to people who are doing what they want to do. It might be tough but they were having their life. If you like it and that's what you want to do, then you can do it no matter how hard it is. I was also talking to a friend who started a cafe resturant last year which was his dream. He advised me, "List up everything what I want to do, your future dreams to even very very small things. Then, think ways to achieve all those goals. This will give you hints to your next step." So I did. and to think of it, my current job was too far from my goal. Off the track. I just remembered when I was in Spain, one said "this is life!" on a boat, enjoying the sunshine, surrounded by people who you love. "yes, it sure is." I said.You only live once. Live life.