Apr 9, 2006

First week at my new job!

Yes!! so my first week at my new job finished. I was kinda nervous at the Ceremony cause it was my first day. It was mainly a speech from our CEO and few other executives. I was looking at the CEO thinking "oh, he's the one who's always in business magazines or newspapers". My first 2 weeks are basic training. Mostly lectures about the company's goal, plan, strategy, history, accounting, environment, and many other group work. I'm in training and not really "work" so still don't get the image working in this company but so far, I thought it really is Japanese company. What I mean is that it is very traditional Japanese company, Japanese organization. Those of you who know what Japanese management system is like, it really is like that. Harmony, goupism, organization, corporate family, royalty... I'm not gonna tell you what we did in details but very very different from America. strange... My company is one of the big company in Japan so I knew it would be very Japanese, but I was shocked. I don't know if I can fit in this system but certainly it's interesting and there are a lot to learn.
I will know which department I will be placed at next week! So nervous....

就職第一週目が終わった。新しいことだらけの一週間だったなぁ。とりあえず、入社式はドキドキだった。300人以上の新入社員。初めて会う同期もがほとんどだし、社長も始めて見た。あれがいつも雑誌や新聞に出てる人か~と思いながら見てた(笑 最初の2週間は新入社員研修。会社の経営方針や経営理念、目標、歴史とその他の基本的なビジネスひ必要な知識についてやった。まだ本当に働いてるわけじゃないから、仕事してる感覚がないけど、とりあえず感じたことは、私は本当に日本の会社に入ったんだなぁって思った。とても日本的な大企業に。同じ日本でも外資とは全然違うだろう。詳しいことは言わないが、研修を受けてとても驚いた。日本的とは知っていたが、実際に身をもって感じるとちょっと正直ちょっと怖かった。私は小さい頃外国で育ったから、外国的な考えも多く、だからかもしれないけど。う~ん、私がこの日本的組織にはまるかどうかはわからないが、日本的組織・会社を知ることは私の将来にとてもプラスになると思う。せっかくのチャンス、いろんなことを見て、体験して、勉強して吸収しよう。


California Kayaker Magazine said...

What will you be doing for the company?

feridun said...

Hi mayu,

It is good to start work. It gives you idea how you will fit in the system.

What I wanted ask is, did you work before in a non japanese company and if you did how much different is it then the japanese company?

I hope you can write a seperate blog about it.

It will really interesting for many people who read your blog.

I hope you doing goood job and having fun in your company. Fun is really important for any kind of job.

I am waiting eagerly more blogs about your job.

☆Mayu☆  said...

I don't know what I'm gonna do yet... That's how Japanese co. works. We apply for the company not for the position. of course we can say our preference, but the decision is up to them(company).

well, i haven't really worked in the U.S. company but I've done Internship for a few month. plus, I've talked to many people who work in the U.S. and wrote my thesis about the differences between JP company and American company. So I will write about it as you requested! It might take a while though... i'm very busy recently:(