Apr 1, 2006


Salamanca is a city of University. It has the country's best Univ. for learning Spanish. I liked here a lot. Nice to just chill, walk around and see the city. I went into this one church which it had old & new catedral together. The old part of the catedral (built in 12 centries) was so beautiful. It was there just as it was. I've been to many catedrals but this is one of my top 3.

The night light was very beautiful!


Kristi said...

All the pictures are beautiful Mayu! Congratulations on your graduation too! Smart move on travelling before starting work ;) - Kristi

☆Mayu☆  said...

thanks! how are you?? haven't talked to you for a while. Is the weather good in Seattle now? oh, I miss the beautiful weather there.