Mar 1, 2008

Biz Trip to Hiroshima

I went to Hiroshima and it's been 13 years since the last visit. If you went to Japanese elementary school, you're more likely to visit Hiroshima on a field trip. Hiroshima and Nagazzaki are the cities where Atomic Bomb was bombed in 1945, only 2 place in the world. When we study history in school, we always visit the peace museum and this Dome below.
Too bad I couldn't see the city since I didn't have any free time, but would like to go there again and learn the history. I remember the museum was so realistic that it was too shocking for us young students.

Another famous thing in Hiroshima is hiroshima-yaki!! It's kinda like Okonomiyaki from Osaka, but with noodles inside and thinner crust. There was this building that has only hiroshima-yaki restaurants! I didn't know locals like this so much!

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