Nov 27, 2006


First time in China continent!(I've lived in Taiwan so...)
I've always wanted to see the country that is becoming one of the main country in the world, I was so excited.

-Things I did in Beijing.

Day 1. Arrived in the afternoon, went to the hotel, and headed to the city center to make china dress! custom made china dress♡

Day 2. The Great Wall, the old castle, shopping, ate the famous Taiwanese dumplings.

Day 3. Hair cut, shopping, road bicycle around the lake, walking around the city, my friend's friends took us to eat Peking Duck at one of the most famous restaurant in Bejing.



1日目 午後着。ホテルに荷物置いて、速攻チャイナドレスを作りに行った!オーダーメイドの赤いチャイナドレス♡

2日目 万里の長城、故宮(入れなかったけど)、買い物、台湾の有名な小龍包を食べた。

3日目 美容院、買い物、池の周りを自転車みたいなやつに乗って一周、街歩き、北京で有名な店で北京ダック。

I'll post some of my favorite pictures that I took in Bejing. Enjoy!


Life Out East said...

Great pics, sounds like you had a good time. I visited Beijing last year. Everyone seemed miserable until you make friends then they can very nice. I found many people who were not very polite about the Japanese. Even young students who were still holding a grudge against the Japanese because of the past. I was shocked by their hatred. I had no idea this was still the case. Did you encounter any problems because of this? Other than that I enjoyed my stay there, except the food.
Would you mind if I added a link to your site on my blogroll?

☆Mayu☆  said...

life out east,
of course i don't mind! plz add me to your list:)
well, i didn't really encounter problems that you mentioned but my friend who's been living in China said that happens quite often. Usually, most of the countries in asia (like thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam) are very friendly to Japanese so this is unusal for me.
I didn't really like the food either. One day of chinese food is enough for me. so we had pizza and fresh salad on the last day! lol and that was the most expensive meal we had i think.

Anonymous said...

OMG u went to China??? I've been there twice when I was still a little innocent grl haha. Yea but seems like Beijing hasn't changed much since then despite the fact people keep telling me "China's been transforming everyday!"
"Beautiful girl w/ ugly guy" That IS hilarious!!!! I totally agree with ya, hun. Chinese women are so beautiful, snow-white skin and slender figure....but when it comes to men....ummmm let's just say "no thank you." haha
btw I don't remember your hair being that long, girl! lov'n it<3

Anonymous said...



それにしても世界遺産の宝庫 北京 初めてにしては観光コースがイレギュラー。。。



☆Mayu☆  said...
