I did some cool stuff today!!! I went on a jet ski!!!
It was sooo scary but also sooo exiting!! you need to have a license to drive so i rode on the back of my friend's boss; one was a very safe driver, and the other very crazy driver.
My first ride was the safe one so it was good for the start. After that, i went on the crazy one, which was really really scary. too scary. He went up to over 100 km/hr and sometimes turned suddenly which made me so hard to hold on. i was desperately trying not to fall off.
Damn, that was so fast and thank god i didn't fall off! my throat hurts from screamming too much :(
We did BBQ after that and then Banana boat!! I didn't want to do that but everyone made me to do it so I had to... :( I was sooo scared. and the driver was that crazy driver. oh, no...
As from a result, I fell off twice (that hurt so much!!), could't do it any more (no energy) and gave up. Another 3 people were with me but they were tough! i like the ride but hate when I fall cause it hurts so much. I hit my head and side stomach on the water today...
well, I guess it depends on the driver. if the driver's nice, he/she won't try to make you fall off.
It's the last weekend of August! Time flies so fast... Summer is almost over guys.
すごく怖かったけど楽しかった~!!ジェットスキーは免許がいるので知り合いの後ろに乗っけてもらった。ひとりはすごく安全運転の人で、もう一人は超こわいの。最初が安全運転の人だったからよかったけどCrazy DriverはほんとCrazyだった。もう100キロ以上でてるし、ときどき急に曲がったりして私を落とそうとするの。。ほんと怖すぎた。落とされないよう
お昼はBBQしてそのあとバナナボートした!!これも初めてで、やりたくないって言ってんけど無理やり乗らされた。。(;_ ;) しかもドライバーはあの乱暴運転の人だったし。。
jet skiing! i've always been too much of a wimp to do something like that, hehe. i bet it was fun though! ^^
Jet Skiってすごく激しいなのだね。
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