Aug 30, 2005

Global EXPO 2005 in Japan

 昼過ぎてから行ったにもかかわらず、覚えてる限りでは、Canada, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Napel, Iran, France, Italy, Turkey, Coratia, Bulgaria, South Afriaca Community, Spainなどのパビリオンに行った。
 しかも友達がカナダ政府代表の人が知り合いで、カナダ館はVIPとして入れ、Office にまで入れてもらった☆とても気さくないい人だった。フランス館も、友達の双子がそこでバイトしてたから並ばずにスッと入れた!やっぱConnectionは大事だねぇ~。
 南アメリカ共同体では、民芸品とかアクセサリーとかが国別に売っててんけど、友達と二人でブルキナファソ人に気に入られちゃって「If you'll be my friend i'll give you present」って言ったからついていったら、本当に彼の店で売ってたものくれた!「chose one from here」っていうから一番かわいかったターコイズのネックレスとブレスもらっちゃった☆前から欲しかったからうれしい☆

 でも友達とも話しててんけど、この万博はGlobal Exposition、つまり、世界に世界の国、そして地球について知ってもらい、考えてもらうもの。でも結局来ているのは地元の人たちがほどんどで、あまり世間では関心を得られていないような気がする。もっとメディアという今あるテクノロジーを使って世界の人に興味を持ってもらうように宣伝すればいいのに。。 まぁ確かに場所が悪いっていうのもあると思うけど、みんながもっと参加してもいいと思う。いろんな国の人と触れ合う絶好のチャンスなのに。家族連れの子供とかが、外国の人と怖がらずに興味あり気に話しかけているのをみてうれしかった。
4年前はドイツで、4年後の2009年は上海でEXPOがあるって知ってた?? 日本館のスタッフとして上海に行くのもいいなぁ☆

Went to the Global Exposition 2005 in Japan!! It was so hot and a lot of people this day.

I stayed at my friend's house for 2 days and went to visit Nagoya.
the main event was the companies' exposition but since you have to get there around 6 in the moring, wait more then 3 hours in line, we decided not to see that. There's no way i can wait 3 hours in this weather... I can't believe many people do this! Instead, we got there little after noon and saw many countries expo. So far i can remember is Canada, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Napel, Iran, France, Italy, Turkey, Coratia,Bulgaria, South Afriaca Community, Spain Pavilion.
Luckily, we get to go in Canada pavilion as VIP:) since my friend knew the head of the government organization there. He was a very nice gentleman and showed his office too. Also, my friend's twin sister worked at the France pavilion, she let us in so we didn't to wait in line which was nice.
At the South African Community Pavilion, one guy from Burkina-Faso kinda liked us and he said "if you'll be my friend i'll give you present" so we went to his shop. He let us chose anything so we chose turquoise necklace and bracelet. I wanted one of these so I was happy:) thanx!
We ate dinner at a German resturant and met funny waiter (looked a little like Paul Bettany, well not as good as him though). he brought his own camera and came to take pics with us. lol
Germans have tall and big nose! i thought.
I'm sure it would be interesting to work in an event like this! You get to know many people from all over the world. I wanna meet many people all over the world and know more about other countries. I will continue travelling!!

What I thought about this exposition was that even though this is world event, it seemed that only the neighbors are visiting here. i mean not a lot of people are interested and i'm sure there's many people in other countries don't know about this expo in Japan. I didn't know last expo (2001) was held in Germany...
This expo's purpose is let people know about earth, eco and other countries. There's no meaning if people won't be interested and get involved in this. It cost a lot to build this! Japan should advertise more using todays high-technology. It's the best chance to meet people from different country and learn about it. I saw some kids talking to foreigners with curiosity and happy to see this.

Next is Shanghai in 2009! It might be fun to work in Japan's pavilion as a staff~

Aug 28, 2005


I did some cool stuff today!!! I went on a jet ski!!!
It was sooo scary but also sooo exiting!! you need to have a license to drive so i rode on the back of my friend's boss; one was a very safe driver, and the other very crazy driver.
My first ride was the safe one so it was good for the start. After that, i went on the crazy one, which was really really scary. too scary. He went up to over 100 km/hr and sometimes turned suddenly which made me so hard to hold on. i was desperately trying not to fall off.
Damn, that was so fast and thank god i didn't fall off! my throat hurts from screamming too much :(
We did BBQ after that and then Banana boat!! I didn't want to do that but everyone made me to do it so I had to... :( I was sooo scared. and the driver was that crazy driver. oh, no...
As from a result, I fell off twice (that hurt so much!!), could't do it any more (no energy) and gave up. Another 3 people were with me but they were tough! i like the ride but hate when I fall cause it hurts so much. I hit my head and side stomach on the water today...
well, I guess it depends on the driver. if the driver's nice, he/she won't try to make you fall off.

It's the last weekend of August! Time flies so fast... Summer is almost over guys.


すごく怖かったけど楽しかった~!!ジェットスキーは免許がいるので知り合いの後ろに乗っけてもらった。ひとりはすごく安全運転の人で、もう一人は超こわいの。最初が安全運転の人だったからよかったけどCrazy DriverはほんとCrazyだった。もう100キロ以上でてるし、ときどき急に曲がったりして私を落とそうとするの。。ほんと怖すぎた。落とされないよう

お昼はBBQしてそのあとバナナボートした!!これも初めてで、やりたくないって言ってんけど無理やり乗らされた。。(;_ ;) しかもドライバーはあの乱暴運転の人だったし。。


Aug 22, 2005


Haven't written this for a while... What was i doing...?

Well, after i came back from Tokyo I went on a trip to the most southern part of Japan's main island called "Kushimoto" with my family. We really haven't spend this much time all of my family members together for a long time. 'cause I was in the U.S. last year and I lived alone in Kyoto before that. It really is nice to be with your family. You never know how impartant your family is till you live apart. I really appreciate my mom and dad for understanding me and letting me do what I want. They trust me (i'm sure) and support me. There are many people in the world who can't do what they want to because of their parents opposition or other restraints. I know some of my friends like that...

During our vacation, we did tennis (my dad beat me but i did better than my sister), cycling (soooo hot and tiring since we went up the big hill!) , went into a hot spring and ate fresh sushi.
We had a great time:)

above: typical Japan's landscape

above: my cute sister




Aug 13, 2005


 最近東京に行っていたのだが、とにかくデカイ、人が多い。大阪とは比べものにならない。父がいうには10年前は東京は大阪の5倍だったのに、ここ10年の間に15倍以上になったらしい。(ビジネス規模が) 去年の冬NYに行ったが、NYより大きいと思った。確かに世界の中心はNYかもしれないが、東京のほうが規模が大きい。マンハッタンが5.6コあるみたい。それは本当に肌で感じる。

What a tremendous city Tokyo is... So big...So many people...
I went to NY last winter but i thought Tokyo is bigger than NY.  Of course NY might be the center of the world but there's 5 or 6 Manhatten in Tokyo. That's how big Tokyo is.
Plus, there are so many different kinds of people. Many teenagers dressed wierd, many foreigners, many fashionable and unfashionable people also, many nerds and celebs, many good lookin guys(that's what i think), many business people, many part timers... so different and so many. It's very interesting to watch people.
What i was surprised the most was that there were sooo many foreigners. People from all over the world are here. I could hear different languages everywhere. I felt that the head of the business is Tokyo. It is not too much to say that all the business in Japan are done in Tokyo. I want to live in Tokyo now. and since i'll be working from next year and am motivated to work as a career women, i really want to come to Tokyo. The problem is, i don't know where i'll be working yet... It should be either Tokyo or Osaka though. That's my worry right now...

Aug 7, 2005


 私も仕事で世界を飛び回りたい。その思いは強い。だが、私が内定しているのは大手企業。名があって、規模が大きい安定した大手企業と、小さいが、その分新人でもどんどん使ってくれる中小企業どっちがいいのか。いまだに迷ってしまう。だが、せっかく手にいれたチャンス。大手に就職できるのはそうあるわけではないし、一度日本の伝統ある大手企業で働いて、「日本企業」を体験するのも勉強ではないかと思って大手に決めた。そしてそこからまた違う道へ進めばいいのだと。 でも、彼の話を聞いて、本当にうらやましかった。生き生きしていた。大手に入って、彼のように毎日刺激でいっぱいで、わくわくするような仕事ができるだろうか。両者とも両者なりのBenefit、Costがあって、どっちがいいとは言えないが、私にはどっちが合っているのだろう。。ベンチャーのような企業の方が合っているのかもしれないと思ってしまう。無いものねだりなだけだろうか。。

Aug 5, 2005

Art Collection in Roppongi Hills

 なんか無性に美術や芸術が観たくなって、友達に聞いたところ彼女もいきたかったみたいで、 2人で行ってきた。六本木ヒルズ森タワー52Fの”フィリップ コレクション”。印象派の画家たち(ルノワールやモネ、ピカソ、ゼザンヌなど)のコレクションで、とても興味深かった!
 Somehow I wanted to see the arts so bad that i went to the art exhibition today. It was at Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 52F "Phillip Collection". It was the collection of impressionistic pictures ( Renoir, Monet, Cezanne etc.) and it was sooo interesting!
Even though i don't know much about arts, just by looking at it makes me relaxing. Especialy i love Monet's pictures. Gentle touch and mild color; i like this effect. I heartly thought we need art in life :)