Wow, it's already end of June.
I can't believe how fast time past this year.
I've been travelling a lot (all of them for business) national and international, 2-3 places every month. I never got tired of going overseas but this year, I am... I realized visiting other places for business or holiday is definately different.
Anyway, until now, I dedicated most of the time for work. So many thing happened but I was enjoying and had such a fruitful time. Not just working as sales but I also involved in product planning. I actually planned and designed a product, went to the factory to check the mass production proceedure and launched this product in April.
I am also involved in one big project that will finish in early winter. This will probably be one of my biggest acheivement ever (for my company too), I can't wait to finish!
Well, hope I can enjoy a lot, work hard and be happy rest of this year.
Everything depend on me, right?