Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow... One Japanese girl writing about life in Japan, traveling, work, photos, thoughts etc... Appreciate. Love. Smile. Happiness. Live "now" not to regret.
Nov 16, 2008
It was very very interesting. It was a bit modern style Kabuki so I could understand what they are saying. The story was about a beast who was envious of one guy who could get beautiful girls. Unfortunately, they always liked the same girls so the beast got very jealous and started to kills the girls one after the other which was man's girlfriends. The man got so depressed and could not recover from his sadness. Then one detective decided to seach for this beast and...
I've seen lots of western cultures like opea, musical show, ballet but never Japanese ones. It is nice to know about your own culture as well. I guess as you get older, you (or just me?) have more interests in your own culture and want to know more. When I was little, I was more interested in US or Europe culture and style, tried to be like them. I travel a lot but these days everytime I go somewhere, I re-recognized how wonderful Japanese culture is, especially in people's behavior and mentality. I am proud to be Japanese.
Oct 18, 2008
Biz trip to Kanazawa
Went to Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, on a biz trip. This city is famous for hot spring and older genernation come here to relax. Not much to do here but I went to a road called "Nagisa drive way", where you can drive on the beach! No road signs or street lanes, so you can drive however you want. You need to becareful not to get stuck in the sand though.
I didn't expect to see this so I was so excited! Isn't this nice?
Oct 13, 2008
Chagall Museum @ Nice
I was so happy being surrounded by lots of Chagall paingings. His drawings make me feel happy and positive. I still cannot forget the celling of the Opera House in Paris, my first contact with Chagall.
My favorite museum so far would be Dali Museum @near of Balcerona and this Chagall museum. Dali Museum is one of the most unique musuem, would take you deep inside of Dali world. What is your favorite??
Trip to Monaco and Mysterious Rich Man
In one of the richest country in the world, we met this mysterious, richest man I've ever met in my life. He was something ralated to F1 (of course), but did not ask exactly what he was doing. ( I didn't want him to think that I'm interested in him)When we met this guy, he was carring a big bear body (he said he hunted up in Swiss mountain) and was about to take this to his storage.
Anyway, we were lost so asked him the direction and also if he know any good place for a cafe. Then he offered his apartment to have a coffee. We thought about it for a little bit, and decided to take a look because not everyone can see a apartment in Monaco! We followed him with curiosity and arrived at the entrance 1 min walk from the Palace. Wow, who can live in such a place!? His place was 2nd and also 4th floor of the building, loved arts especially paintings. He had many many paintings on the wall, probably incredibaly expensive. Surprising thing was that he hired this Russian artist for 2 years to paint just for him, payed for his rent and salary. wow... (below is view from his room)
Another info I found out is that he just broke up with his wife, and looking for a girlfrind(s). I'm sure he can get anyone he wants but I felt a little sorry for him. He was interested in us, and it was obious that he was not interested in us personally but just wanted to have... you know, physical relationship. What was surprising was that he asked us to spend the night together so directly without any hesitation (and was shortly after arriving at his place) so was shocked to answer his question. He probably has difficulty finding a woman he really loves or a woman who really loves him from bottom of her heart and not for money.Anyway, there was not so much to do and see in Monaco, unless you are a big fan of cars. It's a place you would like to go once in your life to say "I've been there!" but no more than once. Oh, but I'm talking about as a tourist so it's a different story if you are going to live. Not everyone can live, only the selected ones and probably one of the safest country in the world (but of course you pay for that).
Holiday in Nice
Very nice people, food, culture, mixture of France and Italy. Not to big but not too small city was comfortable even for foreigners.
The first and second pics below is from our apartment we stayed up on the hill. I felt very lucky to be able to see this breathtaking view everymorning when I wake up.
Aug 26, 2008
My new cell!!
Jul 27, 2008
Biz Trip to HK & Singapore
I was amazed to see all those tall buildings though. I wonder how people can live in that tall building? That is not the height were people should live.
*Second pic below is a pic from the roof pool in my hotel. Isn't it wonderful to swim with this view?
Singapore was very nice. I think Singapore is the only place I can live in Asia other than Japan. Good service, nice people, clean, good shopping, diverse, English ok etc. I heard that 1 out of 4 people is a foreigner. Can you believe this? And the government has so much power, good and bad aspects but so far I guess they are managing well. Even with the high income tax and car tax, people are not doing strikes and following what they were told to do. People pay but know it will come back to them. In Japan, people pay and don't know where they go, how they are used...
*Below is again a pic of the pool in my hotel. It was a very very nice hotel. I loved it.
Just a reminder that I was not on a vacation, I was working! All these pics seem like I'm having fun but actually, I didn't have much time to go to pool and enjoy shopping...
Again, I met a lot of people. I want to say thank you for those who treated me nice. Thanks!
Jul 12, 2008
Weekend in Guam!!
Anyway, this week was incredibally busy, tiring.
Jun 30, 2008
Rainy Tokyo
Jun 15, 2008
Biz Trip to Taiwan
I was in Taiwan from end of May till last week to exhibit at Computex Taiwan (June 3-7), one of the biggest electronic trade show in the world. It was very very busy and tiring but was good experience and a lot of fun.
Taipei 101
By the way, do you know what 101 means? It's a bit embarrassing but I had no idea what it meant. When we got to the top (91F), my co-worker started to count, 91, 92, 93..... 101! Then I noticed, wow 101 means 101 floors! Everyone looked at me probably thinking "you didn't know that? Anyone can guess what it means." well, I didn't...