Oct 30, 2006

Halloween Party☆

Happy Halloween guys!!!

ハッピー ハロウィン☆

from devil Mayu & Eri
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Oct 29, 2006

Luna Parpados 3rd Year Anniversary Party~!

先週、“Luna Parpados”という苦楽園(兵庫県西宮市)のスペインバールの3周年記念Partyに行ってきた!知り合いが招待してくれて、初めていったんだけど、超よかった☆本場スペインのようにカウンターにビッシリTapasが並んでおり、この日はワインも飲み放題で、おいしかった♪店内そんなに広くないのに、人がいっぱいで、このお店の人気っぷりが伝わってきました。 スペインバールはやっぱいぃ!気軽に食べれるし、おいしいし、(やっぱイベリコハムとワインでしょう)気軽に人と話せるし。最近あんまり人との出会いがなかったけど、この日はいろんな人がいて、楽しかった♪外国のバーで好きなのは、いろんな人と気軽に話せるところ。みんなfriendlyだし、すぐに知り合いになれる。私は特に人との出会いを大切にするので、こういう雰囲気は大好き☆ 6時半くらいから店に入って、帰ったのが1時半くらい・・・。ずっとワイン飲んでました。おかげで次のは月曜で仕事だったのですが、二日酔い。。朝起きて、やばいのは感じていたのだが、とりあえず支度して出勤。案の定、電車で酔って、途中下車。30分くらい駅のホームで休憩し、よしっと思って再び電車に乗ったのだがやはりダメで、大阪駅寸前で二度目の下車。通常より1時間以上時間がかかってようやく会社に着きました。あぁ~飲みすぎた。仕事がある前の日に調子のって飲んではいけませんね。でも本当に楽しかったから、たまには良いでしょう♪ 会社も遅れたし、ペナルティあるのかと思いきや、上司がやさしく目をつぶってくれました。さすが!持つべきものは良い上司ですね。(もちろん二日酔いで電車に酔ったというのは内緒です) Posted by Picasa

My friend invited me to this restaurant's 3rd Anniversary Party last week. It was my first visit here, and I really loved it! Good food, many people, nice atmosphere etc... It had many tapas like the real Spanish Bar, and this day was free wine so I drank a lot. I mean A LOT. I went in around 6:30 pm and I went home around 1:30 am. I was drinking wine all day. I really like foreign type of bar cause everyone is friendly and you get to meet people a lot. I havent't gone out recently so I really enjoyed it. There were many interesting people from different fields. As you can imangine, I was hung over the next day..... and i had work. I didn't feel good but i got ready the next morning off to work. Then, I got so sick that I was gonna through up in the train, I got off and took a rest on the platform for about half an hour till I feel better. After a while, I went on a train again to go to work but again, I got sick.... I mean, hung over...:( so I got out the second time, rest for a while and went to work finally. Oh man, I felt so bad the whole day. You shouldn't get drunk the day before work. Since I was late for work, I thought i would get penaly or something but my boss said I don't have to worry about anything. I just had to correct the time sheet, pretend like I was never late. What you need is a good boss, right? (of course it's a secret that I was sick because of hung over.)

Restaurant: "Luna Parpados"

Oct 23, 2006

5 Star☆

I met up my friends from high school yesterday. We all live close but haven't met for a long long time. probably about an year. It's so nice to see friends from old school days. Talking about how much fun we had together and laughing at the crazy things we did, make you return to your youth. Remembering the pure heart we used to have. (I still have though! i hope...)

We are 5 member group and surprisingly, we are totally different in every way. Personallity, how we dress, looks, interests, work etc. Everything's different. Walking down the street, some people might wonder why we are together. Probably the only common thing is the fact that we went to the same high school, same class.

We're like a 5 star☆ We are all facing different directions but somehow stay connected. Funny but that's how we are. Usually, somone brings up the topic, "hey, we haven't seen each other recently. let's meet up!"(this time it was me) and we schedule for the next meeting. One is living in Chicago, so it was only 4 of us. We miss you, Aki! We'll definately meet when you come back:)

Picture taken at "diner's eve" in Osaka.

Oct 16, 2006

日本で一番古いワインバー The oldest wine bar in Japan

My good friend who used to study in Paris and loves wine and cheese took me to Japan's oldest wine bar which was in Ginza, Tokyo. Ginza is one of the most expensive places in Japan. The bar was downstairs and had very nice atmosphere. Antique-ish red sofa and lamps, bar counter, and petit old japanese man. We had a nice bottle of wine (I forgot to take picture) with ham and cheese. I love wine and cheese but don't know much about it. On the other hand, my friend loves wine and cheese and do know about them so she chose everything. Good choise, girl! It reminded of our days in Paris, that was so much fun.
it has been a long time since we met last time so we had many many things to catch up. You know, *girls talk* is endless.

Drinking nice wine or eating nice dinner is of course good, but the most important thing is, who you drink&eat with. Who you're with makes a lot difference. If you are eating with someone you don't like, then the food doesn't taste good either even if it was the best food.
"Good food with good people" That's one of the happiest time, right?

Picture taken at "Wine Bar GINZA"

Oct 7, 2006

Free Hug Campaign Video

check this out! this really made me happy:)
Lots and lots of hugs to you all!!!!!

Free Hug Campaign